I also tried to tell a chemo joke this weekend while we were out with friends. We had a bit to drink and the subject came up, so I was making light of it, and then I made what I thought was a funny joke. I said, "I always thought Cliff (my husband) would be the one who was fat and bald in our 30's, not me." And I laughed. No one else laughed. So I've made a mental note that chemo jokes aren't funny to people who aren't involved!! I guess they feel sorry for me, so laughing at something that seems sad feels wrong. I'll have to work on my delivery. Sometimes laughing at things is the best way to deal without crying.
So ,on a totally different note, I also hate the way I've looked for at least the past two years. My face doesn't look like mine. I've gained weight from the steroids and the thyroid condition caused by my Lupus. So I very rarely ever take pictures that involve me. But I'm going to try to start. This is my life and this is me, whether I like it or not. What if I always look like this? What if I don't ever go back to how I was? So I know that's possible. So here are the few pictures I do have from the past few years.
This is me and my babies snuggling on the sofa before bed!
Yes, that is a bruise on my face! My bleeding disorder (courtesy of Lupus) has shown its face after a trip to the dentist...and yes, I did get a lot of sad stares like I was being beaten at home :(
Ready for a cardiologist appointment.
Listening to my music as I get my Benlysta infusion!
My hair after cutting 10 inches off for Locks of Love!
Right before the cut!!
My sisters and all of our kids when we went home to visit!
My hair before....it was beginning to thin and fall out in patches, so I thought cutting it would be helpful and make me feel prettier.
Awaiting my 3rd colonoscopy in a two year span! So exciting!
Me and my dear friends, Jen & Greg with their babies..Greg flew me to Atlanta for one of my medical treatments. I have great friends!
My sweet family walking for a cause with The Go Lucy Go Foundation.
My first Benlysta infusion in 2012.
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