Sunday, August 11, 2013

I need a new phone

So I have to update about camping...the kids and us, had a great time together. We ended up sleeping in our own beds after Cliff said he had to get up at 5 and the kids were still giggling and whispering at a little before 11, but I think that we would have made it through the night if we were somewhere other than our backyard!! But fun was a family:) Our cousins even came over for s'mores around the fire pit after it got dark! I'd be willing to do it again:)
 I haven't posted in a while for the regular reason, I've been busy and going since I feel well. I've gone back to teaching and finished one full week, going from 6:00 in the morning until 10:30....that would make anyone tired, so I think I'm doing well. It was also the first day of kindergarten for my oldest, Ella McCray and Tip started PreSchool for three year olds and then goes to aftercare until I'm done teaching. A big move for all of us and a bit taxing. I'm due for my infusion this Friday, so things are wearing now anyways. I also need a new phone. My phone's memory is full and I can't take anymore pictures, I'm sure I'm due for an upgrade anyways...too much to do in a day!! But at least I feel we'll and can live a normal life!

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