![Photo: Good reminder!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/p480x480/299906_473930905995369_328263849_n.png)
Sorry about not posting for a couple of days...I've been tired and busy and there are some days that get one over on me...you know the days where you do not have enough time in the day to do all of the things on your To Do List! That's the way I feel right now. I had started another flare, surprise;), due to my tapering down on my steroids. Note to self: You CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOUR STEROIDS (or nothing under 5mg). It's not happening now, it hasn't happened in the past, and I might have to come to terms with the idea that it might not EVER happen in the future. Happy thoughts! My life will always be dependent on drugs...always! I went to the cabin with a group of my best girlfriends last night and we went out for dinner and shopping in Oxford, MS on the square (my old college town) and one of the girls said something about having to take 3 Advil and hating taking medicine...but I held my tongue! Sometimes you want to bark back about how they should consider themselves lucky to only need Advil every once in a while and not need an arsenal of meds each day...like 18 pills a day and one IV infusion...and that's not on a bad day where I have to add more Advil, Aleve, or pain meds!! But if you don't have Lupus, you wouldn't understand, so I held my tongue and might have responded with an "I know."
I will have to say that our one evening away with no children and no husbands to care for was nice. We ate and drank and talked and watched movies! It was wonderful (except for the fact that I could barely sleep, I wasn't sure why since I took my sleeping meds, until this afternoon when I was unpacking my bag and found one of my sleeping pills in the bottom of my bag. It must have escaped my pill container without me noticing (which could have had something to do with the alcohol involved)!) All in all, it was a wonderful night off duty for life's responsibilities.
Here are some of the pictures from our busy days!
Ella McCray and Tip had to get their shots;( Ella McCray had to get 5 shots and she screamed bloody murder and cried the entire we were in the office, even before the shots...so much for my talk with her before hand about being a big girl and not crying. Little did I know she was going to cry, yell, and scream;( I was embarassed.
Tip didn't mind a bit...the sucker might have helped a bit!
We meet our friends Shea, Jae, and Colleen at Chick-Fil-A after shots for a play date.
I gave Tip a hair cut.
Cliff took Ella McCray to softball practice...she loves it, "but not the running part", she says!
We made footprint and hand print art that the Easter Bunny had left in their baskets. This was made by a cute company doodlebugs.
Here is Ella McCray's. I love that they have Bible verses on them too!
Tip's was a train, sorry I took this sideways.
I subbed at Ella McCray's school and they had their Trike-A-Thon for St. Jude.
Having a blast! Out school does this in honor of one of our students, Lucy Krull, who was diagnosed with medullablastoma 2 years ago...Go Lucy Go!
Ella McCray and her best friend Katie Jane...they could be trouble..or just cute!
Tip fell asleep eating jellybeans today at lunch time. His Daddy was home alone with them last night and I'm guessing that he didn't go to bed until later!
Here was the only picture from our stay at the cabin last night!!! Why did we not take more pictures...maybe you can tell from looking at the pictures;) We were living in the moment! Thanks Bebe for entertaining us!
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