When I got home, this is what I saw...Cliff had the kids out in the garden playing in the mud...yes, they are not dressed...although I was a little surprised, I have to say that they sure laughed a lot while they played in the mud!! I hope they remember some of these great experiences as they get older! Then we had our Family Fun Night...I hope they'll want to keep doing those as they get older...right now, they'll ask every night for a Family Fun Night! So we curled up on the sofa with a pizza, popcorn, candy and Wreck It Ralph...and beer!
And this morning, although rainy and cold, Ella McCray was super excited because Cliff got to take her to school for Donuts with Dad!
And Tip was excited because Cliff gave him a new hat! I hadn't mentioned it before, but Cliff has been out of town for almost everyday over the past 10 days...so the kids were very excited to see their daddy!
I also have raised over $550 for the Lupus Walk and sold 30 t-shirts, all in one day!!! Yeah! Got to keep on going! I also saw this today and thought it was a good Lupus visual!
![Photo: Check out this segment from The Doctors television show, with animation showing how lupus works inside the body: http://bit.ly/149k5st](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/554165_364378140346916_1700603279_n.png)
I've been feeling great for the past two weeks, even though I've been taking care of the kids and doing everything alone while Cliff was out of town, but a couple nights ago I started having a severe sharp pain in my right back side. I ignored it, since a lot with my Lupus comes and goes or is never diagnosed or found, but it happened again last night. This time it started on the left side and then moved to both. My radar goes up...I think this sounds like my kidneys to me. But I'm going to give it a couple more days to clear up or worsen, so we'll see!
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