Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Going Steady

Funny, but now that I'm normal my thought process has changed from my "lupus mindset". I find myself doing things like I did before my diagnosis and sometimes even forgetting that I might have/need to limit myself. My husband just commented, "Honey, you seem to still be feeling better." Still is the main word here. And this was true, and remarkable too! For five straight years, I had only a day or 30 minutes here and there that were pain free, not fatigued or weighted down by my body's own limitations. But right now, I've had a good three months! With lupus, I had begun to view my days differently. My days were ruled by what I couldn't do and what I had to limit...now, I can do what I need to or what I desire to do without thought.

So obviously you can tell from my spiel, that I have been "doing" today. I went up to move furniture in my classroom today. I had to switch furniture in two classrooms (by myself) and then place my furniture where I wanted it, bring in boxes from my car, and then go through all of the materials that the sweet teacher who retired left behind, and then move all that to my room. Needless to say, I am tired tonight, but not exhausted enough to miss our churches VBS. Altogether, I was very active and productive today...and that felt great! I am a driven individual and it was nice to not NEED anybody to help me on a day like today. It's been a long time coming;) Today, I'm thankful to be able to do for myself. Thank you God.

Face of Jesus Christ, Head of Christ Artist is: Akiane who is a young girl who painted this when she was only 8 years old.

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