Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Normal today!!!!!

I feel normal again!!!!! Anyone who knows me from Benlysta Buddies on Facebook has already heard my speech, "SO I feel NORMAL for the first time in 5 years! Thanks to Benlysta (and maybe a change in my eating and exercise habits) I do not just feel good, or okay, or not hurting too bad, but NORMAL. I have not said this in years. I just got finished running in the yard with my 3 and 5 year old and then we played softball and I watched them play in the mud. Happy day today!!! (I have just finished my one year Benlysta anniversary for those of you just starting, the ride gets better the longer you're on)!!"
I have gone all day long and am not hurting a bit. I am not tired. I am energetic. I feel like I did before I had Lupus!!! This is huge for me...five years or bad days huge!

So here is SOME of what I've done today.... I started out the morning by getting both of the kids up and dressed and dropping Ella McCray off at preschool, then Tip and I couponed at Kroger, Walgreen's, Wal-Mart, Dollar General, and Dollar Tree. Then we went to the park and played for an hour and a half with our friends!

Then we headed to pick up Ella McCray from school at noon. We headed home and then I made lunch while the kids played in the back yard and proceeded to put them down for naps. During their naps I caught up on my couponing on the computer and did some laundry and some dishes. I also started a project for Cliff and I (no details, in case he reads this). When the kids woke up, I took them outside and we ran in the back yard and played softball. Then they ended up climbing trees and naked in the mud puddles at the edge of the garden....I took pictures!

So here's a great site that has some more fun mud ideas, other then just jumping and slashing!
These were the only ones appropriate to post...due to naked bottoms. Then I bathed the kids and worked on super. We ended up eating outside since it's finally so beautiful today. After super, I served desert and started another two loads of laundry! Makes me tired just listing it out!!! And I'm still not exhausted or effected from the sun!!!!!!! Hello life, I'm back...full speed ahead, finally!!!!!!!

While we are at activities and talking about all I have been able to do....the other night, Cliff blew up the air mattress and the kids flipped off the sofa onto it...yes, this is probably great parenting at work....but they love it and it turned into an impromptu family fun night!


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