Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day: What Is Love?

Today is Valentine's Day....And when we got up this morning I told my husband and my kids how much I loved them. I woke up this morning not only with love, but with a bit of vertigo or dizziness. This happens from time to time with my Lupus, I'm not really sure why, but I know it will last for a couple hours or a couple days. Because of this (and our recent Sunday school lesson), I decided to begin this morning with my quiet time with God reading "Jesus Calling" and to make sure I read my kids their devotional BEFORE we left for school this morning. I will admit I was in a mad rush this morning getting Valentine's ready for Ella McCray's class and the thought crossed my mind that we might not have time before we had to leave and I hate being late...But I decided that I WOULD make sure to make time for God this morning and that I knew He would take care of the rest of the day for me. The kids devotional was about showing God how much we love him by obeying Him and talking with Him. My devotional was about God getting you through whatever challenges you have...Yesterday was a BAD day for me physically. I hurt worse then I have in years. I felt overwhelmed and disappointed with what my pain is going to be like in the near future. But I have to say that today is better. I feel better...I think it's because I started off putting God first and the rest He got me through!

Tip and I ran errands this morning and did all of our couponing. Funny, we also had time (and I had enough energy) to take a trip to the park. He had a great time and got to run around and be a little boy after doing so well for two hours worth of grocery shopping! And yes, it takes that long to coupon and shop when you are going to three different locations and matching coupons and deals!!

Here is the Valentine that Ella McCray brought home from school just melts my heart.

I also managed to put together the kids a Valentine's Basket for less than $4!!!! (Yes they are sharing a basket because I think it's important for them to learn early on that everything that we get we should share!)

I also bought a little something for myself. Lindt chocolate is my absolute favorite and I have learned that if I want anything for Valentine's Day, I have to buy it for myself!
So to answer my question, "What is love?", I'd have to say that love is what and who you need in your life that makes you feel good. God is love. My husband and my children hold my heart in their hands. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them.
Here's what we will be having for our Sweetheart Family Dinner tonight!!!
Red Velvet Cupcakes - Your Cup of CakeGluten Free Spaghetti with Simple Meat SauceChocolate Covered Strawberries by JenatPBandP
Update: It's 8:30 and the kids are in bed, here is what tonight looked like for our family:

We made a poster with different reasons we love each other- I am a verbal person and sometimes we forget to tell each other what we appreciate and today is a perfect day to get and give compliments.

Cliff brought Ella  McCray home a rose since she is his only daughter, and she could not have felt more special! If he would do this each year, I never need flowers again, because seeing how special it made her feel is worth more than receiving them myself.
Tip got some bubbles in his basket and in less then 10 minutes the container ended up spilt and in his hair..boys.

Here they are getting ready to help cook supper and make desserts.

Ella McCray and Daddy scooped the red velvet cupcakes together!

Cliff played his guitar (his newest love) and sang for a bit. I'm glad it makes him happy.

We ate dessert on the sofa and watched Wall-E on Disney.
Ella McCray took this picture and I'm glad it wasn't in focus...because will all I did today, I didn't have enough spoons to take a shower!!

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