Thursday, January 24, 2013

Doctor day

I just got up!!! Slept in this morning, which is so very wonderful for my tired body! Now I'm up and showered and getting ready to have a lunch date!! My mom has a friend who has RA and has undergone chemo, so she's set up a lunch so that I can talk to her while I'm in town. I'm already grateful that this is happening and a little nervous too. So now it's off to a big day!!! My doctors appointment isn't until 4:20 (and I usually wait 3 hours until I see him), but he's the BEST and worth driving and waiting to see, he's a true expert on Lupus!! I'll let you know how everything goes in a bit!!

Funny, I'm almost 32 years old, but going in my mom's closet this morning and putting on her perfumes made me feel like a kid again. All day long I'll get whiffs of her perfume and be grateful that I'm here getting to see my family! (Ready for my day with my trusty cowboy boots, don't know if it even matches, making it look good today!) Here's to the spunky me that's been missing for so long!!

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