Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Preoccupied Day #3

I have found that staying busy makes it easier to not think about things, so I am trying to stay super busy. This morning has flown my with the help of two toddler boys and the house that needed some attention! Now, it's off to pick up 2 more from preschool. I think today will be my catch-up day. I am still in pajamas...that's right I have dropped off my daughter at preschool while I was in my pajamas and I might be picking her up in my pajamas too--at least I don't have to get out of the car! I need to catch up on my couponing, which I love and it really helps cut back on our budget! I'll try to post some info related to couponing later because I do think it helps since I have a lot of medical bills!If anyone is going at making budget changes I would recommend couponing! I'm thinking that tonight might be taco night (I need something easy). Have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest? It helps so much with finding great recipes and crafts for the kiddos!
Taco Night!
Here's a couple of my favorite Stay at Home Mom sights that have great ideas...I do usually do stuff with my kids and whomever else I keep, but I didn't do anything today.
1. - This site has great activities to keep your children engaged while at home. There are great ideas for learning, summer, and even family fun nights!

We are definitely going to do this letter hunt on Friday!! So cute and easy!

2. - This site has great learning activities that focus on getting your toddler ready for school. I love their kinesthetic and hands-on projects and they do lots of crafts!

3. - This website is a toddler teaching MUST. It has videos that teach letter recognition and letter sounds for all 26 letters of the alphabet, plus it helps you learn to read. I discovered it when I was teaching, it was a site that all of the teachers use in the classrooms. It is free, but for $34.99 (?) you can subscribe for up to 3 computers for a year for, and they have added Math, Nursery Rhymes and more. We have it and love it! They also have an app for your smart phones.

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