Monday, January 21, 2013

Super Woman

Super Woman It's official...I feel like Super Woman today! Today, I have: cleaned up the house, done laundry, put away dishes and washed another load, made snowflake artwork with my preschoolers, made and cleaned up lunch, helped my husband move a broken 4-wheeler, sent and inspirational message to my little sister, cut and organized coupons, put down little ones down for naps, taken a shower and put on make-up (this doesn't happen everyday), gone to Kroger and couponed for groceries, made phone calls to businesses to donate for our school PTO fundraiser (that I volunteered to chair!), unloaded groceries, cooked and cleaned up supper, gotten two children ready for bed......AND ALL WITHOUT A NAP or extra steroids!!!! I'm tired, and yes beer was on my grocery I need to sit down and have a drink! Here's to being a stay-at-home mom. I hope my kids never realize my Lupus effected me!

This is my crock pot meal (recipe is on yesterday's post), but I did add cream cheese!! I then scooped this mixture into cresent rolls, wrapped them up and baked them! They were fabulous and HOT!

Sorry, I meant to take a picture of the final product, but after a grocery store visit, we were hungry and dug right in. I served it with fresh fruit and a brocolli raisin salad (my 2 year old loves raw brocolli).
I forgot to say that there was also a beauty shop at our house today!!! She's a natural...or maybe we need to give a few more lessons!

Here's what Ella McCray did to me!!! I look like a clown!

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